Monthly Archives: August 2013
Immanuel Lutheran School
Immanuel Lutheran School offers Pre K through 8th Grade. The purpose of our school is singular: to bring children, of whom Jesus was most fond, to Church. Yes, we care and are proud of our academics. And, yes, we want your children to get big and get smart. But more than anything, we want your children to grow in union with Christ, his Father, and his life-giving Spirit. And that happens when you, your family, and your children, having learned of Jesus in our school, come to Church to receive that same Jesus. Very simply, the school does not have a church, but the church has a school. We encourage you to call us at 618.684.3012 to learn more about our school and what it has to offer.
Visit our Facebook page!
Phone: (618) 687-3917
1915 Pine Street
Murphysboro, IL 62966
Mercy & Witness
Mercy and Witness always go hand in hand because it is the way of the Christian Life. Here at Immanuel we are strengthened by the Holy Eucharist (the Lord’s Supper) and our common life together as a community. Our members are then sent out into the world where they are called to live a life of merciful service and winsome witness. Our hope is to bring the light of Christ to a world that is broken and dying. In so doing, in bringing Christ to the world, we hope to bring more people to the Church, so that they, too, may receive the spiritual gifts given in the liturgy and within our community. And when that happens, when others join us by becoming merciful witnesses of Christ’s good gifts, then, and only then, will the world become a profoundly better place.
Life together
The liturgy is the source and summit of our life, but it is not the end of it. Flowing from those sacred gifts, given and received in the liturgy, is our common life together as a community. We pray together, yes, but we also laugh together, eat together, study together, and serve one another-together. The liturgy of Sunday morning, which culminates in the Lord’s Supper – our communion – overflows into all that we say and do.
What happens on Sunday morning is the center of our life together. Each and every week we gather as a family – a community – to receive from the Lord his most profound gifts: grace, mercy, forgiveness, peace, holiness, and strength. This comes to us in an ordered rhythm – the liturgy – that is nearly 2,000 years old and which demonstrates physically, tangibly, and concretely that what happens here is otherworldly. Indeed, what happens during the liturgy is the intersection of heaven and earth, as Jesus comes to us with his very body and blood, bringing with himself “angels, archangels, and all the company of heaven” as we pray in the liturgy. This is our life. This is our hope. And this is our only antidote to a world that runs so hard against us.
Staff info
Staff info

618.684.3012 Ext 101
Hello, My name is Pastor Hoem and I have had the privilege of being the Pastor here since July of 2012… Read more

618.684.3012 Ext 100
Hello, I am Julie Cason, I started as the secretary here at Immanuel Lutheran in September of 2017… Read more

Sixth-Eighth Grade/PE
Hello, my name is Jim Zobel and I teach Middle School and PE here at Immanuel… Read more

Hello, my name is Kristin Hoem. I began teaching full-time at Immanuel Lutheran School during the 2016-17 School Year… Read more

Hello, my name is Jessie Popejoy. I am the Four-Year-Old Pre-K teacher at Immanuel Lutheran School… Read more

Kindergarten and First Grade
Hello, my name is Jean Clough. I teach kindergarten and first grade… Read more

Second and Third Grade/Vice-Principal
Hello! My name is Veronica Manwaring. I am the second and third grade teacher and Vice-principal at Immanuel Lutheran School… Read more

Fourth and Fifth Grade
Hello, my name is Stephanie Voss and I teach fourth and fifth grade… Read more
Hello, my name is Paula Maloney and I have served as a volunteer art instructor since 2005… Read more

Music & Drama
Hello, my name is Elaine Lentz and I have been teaching music and drama at Immanuel since 2015… Read more
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